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AED - Automatic External Defibrillator


At Berck-sur-Mer, your safety and well-being are our top priority. We are happy to announce that we have recently installed a defibrillator to improve our emergency response capabilities.


Our staff are trained in first aid and the use of the defibrillator. They are always ready to help in an emergency.

Location and Availability

The defibrillator is located next to the main reception door. This life-saving device is available 24 hours a day.

Using the defibrillator

While we hope you never have to use it, here are the basic steps for operating the defibrillator:


Call for help: Call for medical attention immediately.
Switching on the defibrillator: Follow the device's spoken instructions(this is in French). Or use the English manual which can be found in the AED bag.
Applying the pads: Place the compresses on the patient's bare chest as indicated on the device.
Following instructions: The device analyses the heart rhythm and advises whether a shock is needed.
Administering the shock: Press the shock button when indicated. Make sure no one touches the patient during this time.
Further care: Continue to follow the device's instructions until medical responders arrive.


If possible, ask our trained staff to help you.